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Conference Papers

 & Presentations



·        Wind System Reliability & Capacity – First presentation  of a deterministic method for  calculating the capacity that wind displaces in a power system, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Power Conference, Power2014-32148, 7/28-31/14

·        Justification for Long Distance Transmission – Does the interconnection of distant wind farms increase system capacity? Yes! But only by a fraction of a percentage point, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Power Conference, Power2014-32177, 7/28-31/14, (This paper won “Best Student Paper” award)

·        Cost Performance Tradeoffs of Low Carbon System Concepts – The cost of systems with intermittent generators increases with penetration, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Power Conference, Power2014-32173

·        How to develop System Concepts: big emission reductions will require engineered systems – Builds on the earlier ideas presented at the Rome INCOSE conference, Presented at EnergyTech2013 in Columbus Ohio, 5/22/13

·        Engineering Clean Energy Systems (slides) – First presentation of the engineering development process, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Rome, Italy, 7/9-12/12. (This paper won Best paper award)

·        Systems Engineering Approach to Zero Carbon Emission Grid (slides) – An introductory systems engineering perspective on the topic of large scale grid storage, Presented at Argon Power Cycle Workshop, UC Berkley, 8/2/14